About Us
The research team comes from eight universities within the UK. The team works collaboratively with key stakeholder groups, user organisations and with older people who participate directly in the project.
The Sus-IT research team includes researchers from the following universities:
- Loughborough University (leader)
- Nottingham Trent University
- University of Lincoln
- University of Dundee
- Middlesex University
- Anglia Ruskin University
- University of Surrey
- Northumbria University
Principal Investigator:
- Professor Leela Damodaran, Loughborough University (Project Manager)
- Dr Amr Ahmed, University of Lincoln
- Professor David Frohlich, University of Surrey
- Professor Irene Hardill, Northumbria University
- Dr Colin Machin, Loughborough University
- Wendy Olphert, Loughborough University (Deputy Project Manager)
- Leonie Ramondt, Anglia Ruskin University
- Dr Mark Shelbourn, Nottingham Trent University
- Matthew Atkinson, Loughborough University
- Dr Stephan Bandelow, Loughborough University
- Dr Paula Forbes, University of Dundee
- Dr Lorna Gibson, University of Dundee
- Professor Eef Hogervorst, Loughborough University
- Suzette Keith, University of Middlesex
- Dr Chris Lim, University of Surrey
- Jatinder Sandhu, Nottingham Trent University
- Dr David Sloan, University of Dundee
- Dr Marian Smith, Loughborough University
Research students:
- Dr Melanie Heeley, Loughborough University
- Matthew Bell (affiliate), Loughborough University
- Hannah Beardon
- Maggie Morgan
- Steve Thompson
Key stakeholder groups that are also connected with the project include:
- Local government
- Commercial companies
- Age UK
Engaging With Participants
Older participants were drawn from the groups and communities detailed below:
- The University of the 3rd Age
- The 'Thousand Elders Panel', Centre for Applied Gerontology, University of Birmingham
- Existing user panels of older people connected to participating universities
- Our 'critical friends'
- Informal groups in the community
- Individual volunteers
Newsletters for Research Participants
During its research phase, the Sus-IT project produced regular newsletters, these are available both in digital and printed format. You can read the newsletters here (see links below) or contact us to receive a copy of the newsletter by post, or in an alternative format.